Billy Clay Preserve Trip Leader Permit Application
Application for Permit Application for Billy Clay Cave Preserve. This is the form for trip
Application for Permit Application for Billy Clay Cave Preserve. This is the form for trip
Application for Permit Application for trip participants for the Billy Clay Cave Preserve. All trip
Permit Application for Scientific Studies at MAKC Preserves.
MAKC response to COVID-19: The MAKC recognizes the issues regarding COVID-19 and any impacts it
(Revised May 2015, February 2019) Pocohontas County, WV Introduction The Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy (MAKC), a
On May 30, 2002, just two weeks before the final payment was due on Billy
By Walt HammSaturday August 22, 2015 was this year’s maintenance work day at the preserve.
In August of 2014, a number of MAKC members, board members and volunteers took part
MISSION The Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy was established by Western Pennsylvania cavers in 1997 for the
In 1999, after careful consideration of six caves in two states, the Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy,
March 2 Charles Acklin’s painting of a scene in MAKC’s Billy Clay Pit won a green