Board Board Officers Officers are elected annually by the board of directors. Terms expire in November of the listed year.The officers of the Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy are all also board members.Chairman Tom Metzgar (term expires 2026).Vice Chairman Curt Harler (term expires 2027).Secretary Carl Pierce (term expires 2027).Treasurer Johnny Motto (term expires 2026). Other Board Members Dwight Kempf (term expires 2027).Walt Hamm (term expires 2027).Aron Schmid (term expires 2025).Chris Hill (term expires 2026).Trevor Cicchinelli (term expires 2025).Rick Smith (term expires 2025).Katie Schmid (term expires 2026). Preserve Managers Barbara Schomer Preserve Preserve Managers: Tom Metzgar, grounds; Bert Ashbrook and Chris Hill, survey; Mike Schirato, reclamation liaison; Hope Brooks, science.Bear Cave PreservePreserve Managers: Tom and Kim Metzgare-mail: Bedford SpringsPreserve Managers: Mike Kern, Kaleb Hammonde-mail: bedfordsprings@karst.orgBilly Clay PreservePermit Manager: Carl Pierce; Walt Hamm (property)e-mail: Cleversburg Sink PreservePreserve Manager: Franklin County Grotto e-mail: cleversburg@karst.orgDanielson Center/LibraryManagers: Kim Metzgar, Paul Damon, Sr., Jack Speecee-mail: kim.metzgar@karst.orgHall Cave Preserve Manager: Dave Field; Paul Winter, Rick Smith, assistantse-mail: hallcave@karst.orgHarlansburg Cave Preserve Preserve Manager:Aron Schmid; Assistant Manager: Katie Schmide-mail: Hesston Cave PreservePreserve Managers: Dave Field, Paul Winter, Mark Mooree-mail: hesstoncave@karst.orgMcClure Cave Preserve Manager: Rick Smith Penn Aqua Preserve Managers: George Bange and Rick SmithRogers BelmontPreserve Managers: Front Royal Grottoe-mail: rogersbelmont@karst.orgRupert Cave Trip Leaders:Appointed by owners George and Karen Bange and may vary. Please fill out the permit form for access requests. Silers Cave Preserve Manager:Jim McConkeyTrout Run Woods PreserveManagers: Tom & Kim Metzgare-mail: Committees and Other Volunteers Acquisitions:Jeff Jahn, Kim Metzgar, Johnny Motto, Walt Hamm, Tom Metzgaracquisitions@karst.orgGeneral Archivist: Kim MetzgarMAKC Booth: Tom MetzgarWebmaster, newsletter and e-newsletter editor: Kim Metzgar