Application for Permit Application for trip participants for the Billy Clay Cave Preserve. All trip participants should fill out this form.
BE IT KNOWN TO ALL WHO APPLY FOR A PERMIT TO BE IT KNOWN TO ALL WHO APPLY FOR A PERMIT TO VISIT THE BILLY CLAY CAVE PRESERVE THAT: Cave exploration can be a dangerous endeavor. The Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy, Inc., its board of directors, the Billy Clay Cave Preserve management team or access coordinator, the National Speleological Society or its local ordinator, the National Speleological Society or its local chapters (grottos) or any individual members thereof will chapters (grottos) or any individual members thereof will not be liable for any damages, accidents, injuries, or death on the surface or subsurface of the property. All the above named organizations and/or individuals will also not be liable for any damage or loss of personal property while visiting the preserve. Also note that the cave stream in the crawlway floods during wet weather, so trips to this section should not be done during a rainstorm or if rain is forecast.