At its regular November reorganizational meeting, on November 18, 2023, the MAKC had a number of new members join the board and two new officers elected. Once expiring terms were filled, two positions of members who resigned were filled, leaving six posts filled on the board. Seven nominees were presented from nominations made from the floor.
Joining the board were Katie Schmid, Trevor Cicchinelli, Tom Metzgar and Chris Hill. All have been fairly long-time members of MAKC and have been involved in several different projects prior to joining the board. The new board members are in the process of submitting their biographies. Click on their names to read their updated information. Be patient if some info is still coming. Johnny Motto and Paul Damon Jr. were re-elected to the board.
Tom Metzgar was elected as chairman, while board member Curt Harler was elected as vice chairman. Johnny Motto was re-elected as treasurer and Carl Pierce was re-elected as secretary.