The MAKC board of directors just approved an extremely crappy project that involves our Team Sarah! We have a temporary reservation for a used porta-john that would become permanently ours. It needs a little work. We are hoping to have it hauled to the MAKC headquarters this week for a quick repair job to the base (we hope it will be quick). We already have a volunteer to haul it to Clarion County when it is fixed up.
Now comes the crappy part. We need to raise the money to make it happen.
Thus we are holding a “name the porta-john” contest.
We already have one nominee and $33 toward that name.
Your 15 nominations are below.
Every vote will count, literally, as each vote is $1 toward this crappy project.
Voting will conclude at midnight this Friday, May 21. We want to “move” this project through quickly, without any blockages.
Let the voting begin. “ur-in” this with us, aren’t you?