The total now raised for McClure Cave is $15782. Total project cost: $18,000. Total to go: $2218.
Bob Addis
Bert Ashbrook
Baltimore Grotto
George and Karen Bange
Cindy Barton
Dr. Hazel Barton
Don Beach
Andrew, Gabrielle and Amelia Benner
Blue Ridge Grotto
Barbara Bramley
Hope Brooks
Brother Muckers
Joe Brown
Charles Chapman
Kerry Clancy-Burns
Cleveland Grotto
Donna Knoke Cobb
Chris Couch
Jake Cramer
Linda and Mike Cullinan
June Dawson, Delbert Dawson, Alyssan Dowler
Ann Dunlavy in memory of Myron and Marion Dunlavy
Wendy Eby
Francois Erradonea
Laurence Fausold
Kim Fleischmann
Bill Folsom
Theresa Foote
Scott Frosch
Phil Gowaty and Sue Moore
Tom Griffin and Gretchen Schock
Robin and Timothy Grove
Dillon Gruver
Adam Haines
Ashby Haines
Abbe Hamilton
Walt Hamm
Linda and Todd Hancock
Christina Harris
Eric Hauschchildt
James Hedges
Chris and Gayle Hill
Chuck Hilpert
Will Hilton
Ellen Hofler
Forest Howell
David Hughes
Randall Hurst
D. Scott Jones
Joe Kearns
Dwight Kempf
Jeff and Christina Kimmel
Pete Kirchner
Wendy Knepp Eby
Ed LaRock
Laurel Caverns Conservancy
Rob Lee
Marvin Leinbach
Lincoln Caverns and Whisper Rocks
Lincoln Foundry
Lost River Caverns
Marcy Magness
Janet Manning
Alex Matheus
Ryan Maurer
The McClure Residents by the McClure Borough Council
McClure Revitalization Committee
Doug and Hazel Medville
Melissa Ann
James Metzgar
Kim Metzgar
Tom Metzgar
Amos Mincin
Sue Moore (and Phil Gowaty)
Ron Morrison
David Morrow
Johanna Neller
Nittany Grotto
George Palmos
Dan Peden
Carl Pierce
Steve Powerll
Phil Reiche
Carol Rice
Tyla Jo Rubendall
Katie and Aron Schmid
Gretchen Schock (and Tom Griffin)
Andrew Schoenewolf
Careen Shafer
Mike Shank
Frank Skacel
Gordon Smith
Rick Smith
Charles Snyder
Dean and Val Snyder
Lucas Southerton
Jack Speece
Kerry Speelman
Tri-State Grotto
Jim Washington
Keith Wheeland
Paul Winter
Marcus Yarnell
York Grotto
Cole Young
Jesse Young