These supporters have made the acquisition of this preserve possible. Our fundraising goal is $38,000, which includes the acquisition of two acres of land as well as acquisition expenses. We are striving to keep this list up-to-date as donations come in. Please be patient if your name does not yet appear, especially if you donated via Facebook (reporting can be up to 30 days). We truly appreciate all of the support from our donors.
As of 11/9/21 this project is fully funded.
Dave Ader
Bob Addis
Bert Ashbrook
Bald Eagle Grotto
George and Karen Bange
Eric Berge
Sara Ulrich Bidelspacher
Kara Bond
John Boswell
Barbara Bramley
Hope Brooks
Ben Brown/Ontario Surplus
Tommy Cleckner
Cleveland Grotto
Commander Cody Caving Club
Katherine Crispin
Bryan Crowell
Mike and Linda Cullinan
Paul Damon
DC Grotto
Ann Dunlavy/Lincoln Caverns in memory of Myron and Marion Dunlavy
Kevin Dunleavy
Ed Dymek
Thom Engel in memory of Nevin Davis, Frank Herceg, Charlie Plantz, Marion Dunlavy
Francois Erradonea
Kim Fleischmann
Franklin County Grotto
Phil Gowaty and Sue Moore
Greater Allentown Grotto in memory of Frank Herceg
Tom Griffin
Abbe Hamilton
Walt Hamm
Donnie Hammond
Todd and Linda Hancock
Curt Harler
Highmark Matching Gifts
Chris and Gayle Hill
Will Hilton
Ellen Hofler
David Hughes
Jeff Jahn
Charles Kahn
Vince and Susan Kappler
Dwight and Jill Kempf
Karen Kurtz
Ed LaRock
Laurel Caverns Conservancy
Veronica Sassu Laviero
Rob Lee
Gordy Ley
Lincoln Caverns
Lost River Caverns, Inc.
Loyalhanna Grotto
Joseph and Roseanne Lugg
Jenn Macalady
Ryan Maurer
Doug Medville
Kim Metzgar
Tom Metzgar
Cassandra Meyers
Amos Mincin
Michelle Mintmier
Roger Moore
Jeff Morrissey
Ron Morrison
Cassandra Meyers
National Speleological Society
Johanna Neller
Matt Neyhart
Nittany Grotto
Ontario Surplus
George Palmos
John Pearson
Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy
Philadelphia Grotto
Carl Pierce
Josh Rubinstein
Allen Rush
Matt Saltzer
Jim Schneck
Gretchen Schock
Careen Shafer
Mike Shank
Mindie Simmons
Gordon Smith
Rick Smith
John Snoddy
Dean and Val Snyder in memory of Frank Herceg
Mike and Stephanie Spencer
Alan Staiman
Josh Taylor
Thrivent Financial in honor of Gordy and Diane Ley
Steve Warnek
Robert Wehde Jr.
Keith Wheeland
Michelle Weinberger
Amanda Willis
Paul Winter
York Grotto
Cole and Jesse Young, “Brother Muckers”
Gabby Zawacki
Support our cave conservation efforts with a donation. Your contribution supports our current cave acquisition fund and property management expenses. We are an all-volunteer organization. There is no “overhead” except for speleothems attached to the cave ceiling.