After much work and persistence, the MAKC and Franklin County Grotto (FCG) negotiated a lease of Cleversburg Sink with Southampton Township (the cave owners) in Cumberland County, PA. Since late in 2006, the cave has been closed until an access policy could be worked out. Cleversburg Sink is a significant geologic and hydrogeological cave.The management policy that follows includes the cave access policy. The FCG is the preserve manager and continues to handle access to the cave. The FCG can be contacted at DO NOT CONTACT SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP FOR ACCESS. Please respect the use of the property and follow all rules posted at the park and especially in the management plan. Access may be barred to individuals or groups who do not follow the rules in the attached management plan.
NOTE: Carnegie Cave is another significant, popular cave located near Cleversburg Sink but is not owned by Southampton Township. The township has had problems with cavers using their restroom facilities. Please pass the word….use of the township facilities for changing and cleaning up is prohibited. Please change discreetly elsewhere.