Preserve Sponsors

These supporters have made the acquisition of this preserve possible. We are striving to keep this list up-to-date as donations come in. Please be patient if your names does not yet appear. We truly appreciate all of the support from our donors. We are fully funded, but will continue to accept donations to our acquisition fund as well as for future property management!

Bob Addis
David Akers
Richard Anderson
Bert Ashbrook

Bald Eagle Grotto
Baltimore Grotto
George and Karen Bange
BATS Grotto
Joanne Beliveau
Benevity Fund Matching Gift
William Bennett
Eric Berge
Sara Ulrich Bidlespacher
Gordon Birkhimer
Shirley Birkhimer
Kara Bond
Larry Bonson
Alex Boughamer

Lyndsey Cameron
Cave Conservancy of the Virginias
Karl Cherry
Aaron Clair
Tommy Cleckner
Cleveland Grotto
Lawrence Cohen
Colcom Foundation
Michael Cortez
Chris Couch
Dave and Sandy Cowan
Justin Crocker
Crystal Cave Katherine Campbell
Linda and Mike Cullinan

Paul Damon, Jr.
Paul Damon, Sr.
Mark Daughtridge
Mark Doyle
Miles Drake
Keith Dunlap
Gary Dunmire
Nigel Dyson-Hudson

Robert Edmonds
Thomas Engel
Francois Erradonea

Jeff Farr
Nathan Farrar
Tami Evans Feese
Dave Field
Kim Fleischmann
Bill Folsom
Franklin County Grotto
Bill and Peri Frantz
Front Royal Grotto

Katy Geare
Kai Getrost
Phil Gowaty and Sue Moore
Will Grandbois
Jason Gray

Walt Hamm
Kaleb Hammond
Deanna Hardin
Curt Harler
Liz Heness
Andrea Henson
Chris Hill
Heather Houlahan
Forrest Howell
Randall Hurst

Deanna Iammie

Jeff Jahn
Eileen Jacobs
D. Scott Jones

Thomas P. Kennedy
Mike Kern
Katie Kolodzieski
Jake Kosker

Ed LaRock
Rob Lee
Gordy Ley
Lincoln Foundry
Marissa Loftus
Shawn Long
Lost River Caverns

Eliza Magland
Joseph Marquez
Eric May
Michael McEachern
Dennis Melko
James Metzgar
Tom and Kim Metzgar
Mid-Appalachian Region of the National Speleological Society
Jeff Miller
Mem Miller
Reeg Miller
Amos Mincin
MMI Intellectual Property
Ron Morrison
Aaron Muderick
Laura Mutchler

National Speleological Foundation
National Speleological Society
Nittany Grotto, Inc.
Cynthia Norris
Northern New Jersey Grotto

Brian Ottinger

Scott Padamonsky
Mike Patun
Dan Peden
Eric Pelkey
Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy
Dan Peter
Philadelphia Grotto
Carl Pierce
John Powers

Bruce Randall
RASS (Richmond Area Speleological Society)
Phil Reiche
Sunni Reitmyer
The Robertson Association
Josh Rubinstein
Chris Ruch
Cornelia Rutherford

Matt Saltzer
Anneli Sandstroem
Ben Schantz
Mike Schirato
Gretchen Schock
Barbara Schomer Estate
Joe Sepiol
Talia Sepiol
Mike Shank
Rhett Shuster
Sierra Club, Allegheny Group, Huplits Grant Program
Eileen Sletson
Joanne Smith
Wendy Smith
Chuck Snyder
Dean Snyder
Jared Snyder
Eric Spears
Albert Stewart

David Taylor
Betty Thomas
Janet Tinkham
Tri-State Grotto

Brian Ulrich
Jill Ulrich
Suzette Ulrich

Donna Vaught
Frank Vlchek

Steve Warnek
Meredith Hall Weberg
Tom Williams
Jay Winter
Paul Winter
West Virginia University Student Grotto

York Grotto
Cole Young

Mike Zianni