Danielson Center Sponsors

Challenge Grant Donors for the New Danielson $30,000 Challenge Grant
for the Bob and Bev Danielson Library and Cave and Karst Education Center, Updated 2-14-10


We have $19,335.09 in donations
This is 64 percent of our
challenge goal…

Donation from Crystal Cave, Inc.

Paul Damon, Sr., MAKC archivist; Denise Damon Patterson; Paul Damon, Jr., archives committee member, at the new Bob and Bev Danielson Cave and Karst Library and Education Center.

Mike Schirato

Friend of Paul Damon, Sr.
Tri-State Grotto, NSS
Mike Kern
David Hughes
Dave Ruth
Allison Comfort
William and Jeanne Downey
Robert L. Fisher
Kerry Speelman
Jeff and Christina Kimmel
Josh Rubinstein
Jack Speece
Carl Pierce
John L. Long
Dean H. Snyder
Dave Ruth
Jeff Jahn
Craig and Patricia Anderson Kim and Tom Metzgar Paul Haggard
George Palmos Bob Batina Kevin Dunleavy
Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program Ohio Cavers and Climbers Kelly M. Hart
Dave Akers Bert Ashbrook Albert Stewart
Sue Moore and Phil Gowaty Ethan and Cortney Frantz Mike Zianni
Mike Mostardi Paula Grgich-Warke Marion Dunlavy
Bill and Peri Frantz Bubble Cave LLC


Donors of Material Goods and Services for the
Bob and Bev Danielson Library and Cave and Karst Education Center, Updated 2-14-10

Goods and Services

Books and Other Media Volunteers

Henigin Small Engine Repair, Blairsville

John L. Long
John L. and Mary Long
Helen Kennedy
Frank Mielcarek Family
Tom and Kim Metzgar
Tom and Kim Metzgar
John Pearson
Sue Moore and Phil Gowaty
Ann Dunlavy, Lincoln Caverns
Dean H. Snyder
Kelly M. Hart
Dale Ibberson Estate, Judi Stack
Doug Dean
John Shero
Walt Hamm
Jeff Jahn
Andrea and Ray Gillis
Jack Stellmack
Tyler Reed
Marian Opatka Kim Metzgar Johnny Motto
Walt Hamm Alex Boughamer Kerry Speelman
Bob Slebodnik Jack Speece Mike Kern
Jack Stellmack Mike Schirato
Jack Speece Dave and Nick Field
Paul Damon, Sr. and Phyllis Todd
Paul Damon, Jr.
Carl Pierce
Andrea Gillis
Phil Reiche


Longtime MAKC members and supporters Bob and Bev Danielson, now of Durango, Colorado, and formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, gave other MAKC members and supporters a challenge.

For every $1 donated by MAKC members, over and above dues renewals, Bob and Bev not only matched it, but donated $3, until they expended $10,000.

The Danielsons have been supporters of MAKC since we formed, and are interested in having their part of the donation help feed into our endowment fund to help us Preserve the Caves of Today for the Cavers of Tomorrow well into the future.

Thanks Bob and Bev, for all that you do for cave conservation!

Donors for the First Danielson Challenge, which was completed.

Alan Horn Cynthia R. Norris Eric Baisch
Alison Meyers Dave & Sandy Cowan Gary Drewery
Barry Duncan Dave Hughes George & Karen Bange
Bill & Peri Frantz Dave Zdancewic George Palmos
Blue Ridge Grotto David Hubbart Harry Marinakas
Cornelia Ruterford Doug Dean Jack Stellmack
Curt Harler John Shero Jeff Jahn
Laura Stine Jonhhy Motto Jeff Morrissey
Lincoln Caverns, Ann Dunlavy June & Delbert Dawson John Pearson
Lisa Hall Karen Bange Northampton Ecology Club
Loperco.com Kerry Speelman Pepper Broad
Marshall Fausold Kevin Dunleavy Pete Bracken
Pete Pawlowsky Rob & Anne DeBeque Tom Kennedy
Rick Fligor Sue Moore VAR
William Downey