From Netherworld News, January 1965:

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the loss of a fellow caver last month. Bruce, a resident of Pittsburgh, was an active member of the Pittsburgh Grotto, serving in the past as Editor of the Netherworld News and various other positions on the Board of Governors. Bruce passed away on December 19, 1964 when he was wed to a non-caver, non-climber, Ann Montgomery.

Mr. Godwin is survived by one hard hat, with light, a baby bottle, one old muddy hip flask, three-fourths of a pair of moldy, muddy and rotting coveralls. Also gathering dust in the closet are a few pitons and carabiners, an ice-axe and slings.

Previous to his passing away Bruce suffered with a common speleo-illness known as "I’ll make a caver out of her". This disease is a frequent cause for such fatalities.

To those who caved with Bruce we can only say "Ca fait me pi pas pi".